Monday, September 10, 2007


Making A Difference
Welcome to the EcologistOnline Act pages. You've read the articles, seen the reports, watched the protest. Now it's your turn to get involved. Under the headings below, we're hoping to collect together a list of organisations and groups striving to make a positive difference. If you know of one we've missed out, email us at


Birdlife 01223 2773 18 100,000 albatrosses die each year on fishing hooks. They are being killed in such vast numbers that they can't breed fast enough to keep up. This is putting them in real danger of extinction. Birdlife is running a campaign to save the albatross mainly through education and the Albatross Task Force- dedicated individuals working at sea with fishermen in rough conditions and onshore, showing them how to prevent albatross deaths. By sending in your used postage stamps they can convert them to cash. Encourage your school or office to start collecting! Click here to visit their website. 020 7700 4888BUAV has been campaigning against animal cruelty for over 100 years. Register your support with them and they will keep you up to date with the latest BUAV news and give you the opportunity to contribute to vital campaigns. You can get involved more specifically by sending an email to your MEP, asking them to back an end to primate experiments, as part of the revision of a key European law. Use the search tool on their Go Cruelty Free website to help you find all our approved cruelty free companies. BUAV has produced a handy pocket-sized 'Health with Humanity Charities Guide' to help animal lovers support health-related charities, secure in the knowledge that their donations will not fund animal research. 0870 7540 272 until end of September, then 030 0123 0272The RSPCA is opposed to the use of animals in circuses. As part of the Animal Welfare Act, new regulations on the use of animals in circuses will hopefully be considered later this year. The government in England has committed to introduce a ban on the use of certain non-domesticated (wild) species in travelling circuses. The RSPCA believes the circus is no place for an animal. The life for an animal in a circus consists of frequent travel, restricted movements, poor living conditions and loud noises. If you want to see an end to the use of wild animals in circuses, send your MP or Minister an email.

RSPB RSPB is campaigning alongside other wildlife organisations for comprehensive marine legislation to protect the marine environment. The Government recently published proposals for new legislation - these included the setting up of Marine Conservation Zones to protect important sites, and an overhaul of the system for planning at sea. To give these proposals the best possible chance of becoming law, the RSPB is aiming to ensure a UK Marine Bill is part of the Government's legislative agenda for 2007-8, by securing its inclusion in this autumn's Queen's Speech. Support their campaign by signing the pledge to Gordon Brown on their website.

Marine Conservation Society (MCS) 01989 566017On Saturday 15th - Sunday 16th September 2007 join the biggest and most influential project in the fight against marine litter pollution in the UK. Request a fundraising pack and get sponsored for all the litter you pick up or the distance you clean. Register your own beach clean, or join someone else's at email or phone 01989 567807 and be part of this amazing event.

Compassion in World Farming (CIWF) 01730 237370Become a Compassionate Campaigner for the CIWF. You’ll receive a newsletter, Compassion in Action, which gives information on activities such as attending demonstrations, participating in media stunts, supporting cyber campaigns, writing letters, running stalls and collecting petition signatures in order to bring about real change for farm animals. For more information on how you can get involved, contact their Campaigns Officer Zoe Willetts on + 44 (0) 1483 521 997.


Camp for Climate summer the 2007 Camp for Climate Action will tackle aviation. Based at Heathrow, one day will be devoted to direct action while the rest of the week is devoted to low-impact living, debates, learning skills, and high-impact direct action tackling the root causes of climate change. The Camp believes the science is clear; global emissions of carbon dioxide must go into rapid decline within the next decade. If they don't, humanity faces a bleak future.

Friends of The Earth 020 7490 1555Last year over, The Big Ask roused 130,000 people to ask their MP to support calls for a new law to make annual cuts in carbon dioxide, and in response the Government announced last November that it would introduce a Climate Bill. The challenge now for Friends of The Earth is to make sure that the Bill is a tough one. A strong law will allow the UK to play its part in tackling climate change, and it would set an example that the rest of the world could follow. Please ask your MP to make sure the Government does the right thing, by finding your local MP and sending them a letter.

Christian their ‘Cut the Carbon’ March as it makes its way along a 1,000 mile route through the UK, calling the government and big companies to cut their emissions. The march ends outside the London Stock Exchange on October 2nd. Also check out Christian Aid's huge range of other campaigns, targeting international trade, oppression in Zimbabwe, and corruption in Peru. 020 7865 8100Join up to the Greenpeace Forum where you can discuss specific Greenpeace campaigns and news, stay in touch with Greenpeace friends, make new friends, and share tips with others about green living, travel and grass roots campaigning. A great place to discuss environmental issues and get involved with new campaigns, there is also the chance to volunteer, find details about challenging the world’s biggest software companies to build the first green computer and sign a petition for the Polish Prime Minister to halt the logging of trees in the protected area of the Rospuda Valley.


Mutatoes years ago, the British public won the battle against Genetically Modified (GM) crops being grown in the UK. The British countryside should be free of commercially grown GM crops, and supermarkets and food manufacturers no longer sell products containing GM ingredients. Unfortunately, German based chemical company, BASF, this year applied to grow trials of GM potatoes at two locations, one in Cambridge and another just outside of Hull, Yorkshire. To help protest against this u-turn in GM development you can download flyers from the website and distribute them in your local area, for example in health food stores, community centres, schools and colleges. You could also set up a local group and arrange regular meetings for concerned people in your area. Finally, mutatoes recommends that you write to your MP, demanding an end to trialing of GM crops in the UK. Tell them that both the Netherlands and Ireland have already stopped BASF planting the same potatoes in their countries this year, due to environmental safety concerns. There are two online petitions you can sign:For the trials in Hedon - the trials in Cambridge -

GM Watchwww.gmwatch.orgThis veteran group has a global focus but developed out of the Norfolk Genetic Information Network (NGIN - pronounced 'engine') - a news and research service founded in Norfolk, UK in the spring of 1998 to report on the growing concerns about genetic engineering. It has been described as one of the world’s most important and effective organizations fighting for the protection of the human and natural environment. GM WATCH has developed a particular focus on the use of hype, propaganda and spin to promote this technology, and on exposing the role played by corporate-friendly scientists, industry front groups, PR companies, lobbyists, and political groups. Sustaining the work of GM Watch is essential to countering this corporate political power and propaganda. 01298 24300GeneWatch UK is a not-for-profit group that monitors developments in genetic technologies from a public interest, environmental protection and animal welfare perspective. GeneWatch believes people should have a voice in whether or how these technologies are used and campaigns for safeguards for people, animals and the environment. Recent articles have included a study on plans by the Home Office to massively expand the National DNA Database by taking DNA on arrest for dropping litter in shopping centres.


Amnesty 020 70331500This is a well established movement of people from across the world standing up for humanity and human rights, with a purpose to protect individuals wherever justice, fairness, freedom and truth are denied. Currently, Amnesty International have found the level of threats, intimidation, attacks and killings of activists in Honduras and Guatemala who campaign to defend the rights of marginalised communities is reaching 'worrying proportions'. Award winning journalist Dina Meza and colleagues at online publication Revistazo and ASJ, the organisation that publishes Revistazo, have been subjected to a campaign of harassment and intimidation after investigating and implicating several private security firms in labour violations and corruption. The threats are extremely serious – in December last year, one of Dina Meza’s colleagues was shot dead. No one has been brought to account for his murder. The government has failed to provide full protection for the human rights defenders, leaving Dina Meza and her colleagues vulnerable to attack. Go onto the AI website to send an appeal to the Honduran authorities and read the Amnesty report about the experience of human rights defenders in Honduras and Guatemala. There are also audio and video links to hear more from Honduran activists talking about their experiences 020 7687 8700Survival are currently running a campaign to stamp out terms like 'stone age' and 'primitive', which have been used to describe tribal people since the colonial era. Such words are both incorrect and very dangerous, because all societies adapt and change, and because terms like these are often used to justify the persecution or forced 'development' of tribal peoples. The knock on effects are almost always catastrophic: poverty, alcoholism, prostitution, disease and death. Survival would like you to be on the lookout for terms like 'stone age' and 'primitive' used to describe tribal peoples in the media today. When you spot one, fill in one of their Stamp it Out postcards or e-cards with the information and send it to the editor.

No 07904 431 959Get involved with this organisation which aims to highlight and tackle the horrific working conditions and exploitative methods of many of our high street clothing brands, including Nike, Gap, Adidas and Reebok. You can arrange for a No Sweat speaker to come and talk at your club or group meetings, or spread the word via flyers and posters.

RECYCLING AND WASTE The Freecycle Network was started in May 2003 to promote waste reduction in Tucson's downtown area and help save desert landscape from being taken over by landfills. Today it has become a global phenonmenon. It is made up of many individual groups and is a grassroots and entirely non profit movement of people who are giving (& getting) things for free in their local areas. Each local group is moderated by a local volunteer. The Network provides individuals and non-profit organisations with an electronic forum to "recycle" unwanted items. Their ethos is ‘one person's trash can be another's treasure’. When you want to find a new home for something -- whether it's a chair, a fax machine, piano, or an old door -- you simply send an e-mail offering it to members of the local Freecycle group. If you're looking to acquire something yourself, simply respond to a member's offer, and you might get it. After that, it's up to the giver to decide who receives the item and to set up a pickup time for passing it on. Membership is free and to sign up, or find your community group, go to their website.

Retail Packaging Recycling BillLib Dem MP Andrew Stunell has put forward a bill that would mean supermarkets have to provide recycling facilities for all of the packaging on the products they sell. So far he is facing a backlash from the retail industry. Support him by writing to your local MP, asking for their support for the Retail Packaging Recycling Bill. The bill is expected to receive a second reading in October.

National Federation of Women's part in the WI's Carbon Challenge – reducing your footprint by 20% using their tips for day to day living. This section on their website has been divided into four component parts – food, transport, home and lifestyle. It is thoroughly researched and contains a huge variety of information, from using curtains to limit energy usage to remembering to pack children’s lunches in sandwich boxes to avoid unnecessary waste. They also provide good references for more detailed help and information such as Waste Resources Action Plan (WRAP) or the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) for advice on composting.

Womens Environmental Network (WEN) 020 7481 9004WEN runs the Real Nappy Project to raise awareness about the environmental impact of nappies. They encourage the use of washable cotton nappies to reduce waste and the impact on the environment. People should have the information they need about real nappies in order to make a fair and informed choice. You can support WEN's work by becoming a member.


Campaign for Nuclear Disarmamentwww.cnduk.orgThis well-known organisation believes there is a real alternative to nuclear power – a mix of renewable energy sources, cleaned up fossil fuels and energy efficiency measures – all of which are safe, effective and proven technologies. The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament welcomes the government’s energy review, but condemns the logic of government and industry, which appear to favour the least safe, unsustainable nuclear option. If the review is to be successful it must include the real questions and issues we face in looking to a sustainable and clean solution to our environmental and energy needs. Go online for CND’s new leaflet 'Nuclear Power - not worth the risk' leaflet. You can order extra copies from the CND national office - 020 7700 2393. You can also contact your MP and tell them why you think Nuclear Power is not the answer to climate change.


BOGOFSwww.bogofs.orgResidents of Bristol have formed a campaign to stop planning application by Storegap, a property developer operating on behalf of a supermarket, on Gloucester Road, a quirky area renowned for its independent shops. Known as Bishopton Opposing Glut Of Supermarkets, you can sign their online petition.

Local Workswww.localworks.orgLocal Works is the coalition campaign for the Sustainable Communities Bill. The Bill will empower local people to make their own decisions and to drive government policies on sustainable communities. The Bill sets up a mechanism so that the actions of government are not decided centrally in London, but rather by local communities themselves.The Sustainable Communities Bill is now in the Lords. When the Bill passed through the House of Commons the government officially stated their support for it. However, following the change in Prime Minster and the recent reshuffle in government, there is again a danger that unelected officials may try to influence the newly appointed Communities Minister and Secretary of State and urge them to try to amend and water down the Bill in the Lords. They need supporters to urgently lobby the government reminding them of the commitments that the previous Minister Phil Woolas made on its behalf and urge them to continue to support the Bill in its current format.

Belper Against Tesco Superstore (BATS) local group is trying to stop a large Tesco from being built on a floodplain in the Derwent Valley World Heritage Site. Belper is a small town which contains lots of little shops as well as three smallish supermarkets (and some very big old mills). Tesco are proposing to build a big store on the former Thorntons factory site, and a feeder road and car park on what is currently green field and sports fields. Building the road will also require the demolition of some old buildings near the mills complex and worker housing. BATS currently has a membership of about 200 local people, and is arranging events in the hope of raising enough support to counter the Tesco planning application, which they have been told may be submitted as early as the autumn.

Tescopolywww.tescopoly.orgTesco now controls 30% of the grocery market in the UK. In 2007, the supermarket chain announced over £2.5 billion in profits. Growing evidence indicates that Tesco's success is partly based on trading practices that are having serious consequences for suppliers, farmers and workers worldwide, local shops and the environment. Increasing numbers of communities are taking action to oppose superstore developments in their area. Facing a complicated planning system and powerful opposition, this can seem a big task. This organisation aims to strengthen local campaigns. See their website for resources to help you campaign against a supermarket application and to find out more about the planning system.

World Development Movement (WDM) 020 78204900An good example of this group’s important work is their current debt campaign, which calls for:• an end to the unjust International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank economic conditions attached to debt relief,• the cancellation of all poor country debt under a fair, transparent and democratic process for obtaining debt relief.If you are interested, they publish a magazine every 2 months, called The Activist, which provides a roundup of WDM campaign actions, successes and research. Activist is available as a pdf download, or through the post; both are free of charge, although you might like to consider becoming a member of WDM to help cover their costs, and to support their work.

New Economics 020 7820 6300Economic systems that favour the large, the remote and the uniform threaten local economies and communities, diversity and choice. Creating the right balance between local and global economies will help to increase individual well-being, reduce inequalities and promote environmental sustainability.The New Economics Foundation is pushing to fight “ghost town Britain” and relocalise the economy through the local works campaign and by empowering communities through enterprise and innovation. Their flagship “inner city 100 project” shows the power and dynamism of inner city business, and addresses the problem of people being excluded from mainstream finance. Fight the spread of clone towns and sign up for their newsletter, join them or make a donation.

Save Longstone Edge is a beautiful three-mile-long ancient limestone hill, prominently situated within sight of Chatsworth House, just to the north of Bakewell in the Peak District National Park, which is threatened by an enormous quarry at its eastern end. A massive scar will be made in the heart of unspoilt scenery in the second most-visited National Park in the world. This must not be allowed to happen. This organisation has been fighting since 1997 to prevent quarrying, but the Peak District National Park has been unable to act on their behalf, fearing expensive legal action from quarrying corporations.

Save Radley Lake in Radley, Oxfordshire, has been described by a local ecologist as 'the best site for breeding birds in the county.' As a wildlife haven, it is thought by many to have no equal in Oxfordshire. But within a matter of months the lake is scheduled to be drained and flooded with a slurry of toxic pulverised fuel ash from nearby Didcot power station. The local community, which has formed itself into the campaign group 'Save Radley Lakes', has battled ceaselessly to preserve the lake. They now await the result of an application to have the site designated a 'Town Green'. Visit their site and show your support.


Schools Organicwww.schoolsorganic.net3,400 schools in the UK have signed up to a project to teach children how to grow their own vegetables. The programme is run by Duchy Originals and Garden Organic, and will take the pupils through various stages, from sowing potatoes, onto growing rare varieties from seed libraries. For more information, log onto their brilliantly designed website which is fascinating for adults and children, teachers and parents. It features details on everything from how to integrate the principles of organic gardening into the national curriculum, to the origins of composting and starting your own veg patch.

Soil Associationwww.soilassociation.orgThe Soil Association is calling for:• The phasing out of routine antibiotic use on farms• A ban on advertising antibiotics to farmers• Restrictions on the use of the antibiotic family fluoroquinolones and 3rd and 4th generation cephalosporins• Safety data on drugs to be made publicly available• Risks to be assessed in a more precautionary way when drugs are approved• Withdrawal periods after drug use to be extended, in line with organic standards• Proper surveillance of antibiotic usage and antibiotic resistance in farm animals• More support and resources for organic farming methods that reduce the need for antibioticsHelp them stop the abuse of antibiotics in farming by becoming a member for £24 or by making a donation. Soil Association membership is open to everyone who cares how food is produced and about the future of the planet. If you’re interested in farming, why not visit an organic farm and learn about specifics, from lambing to hedge-laying, vineyards to violets, orchards to ancient woodlands. There are over 85 farms on the Soil Association's network, you can find their nearest farm on the Soil Association website.

Pesticide Action 020 70650905Pesticide Action Network UK (PAN UK) works to eliminate the dangers of toxic pesticides, our exposure to them, and their presence in the environment where we live and work. Nationally and globally, they promote safer alternatives, the production of healthy food, and sustainable farming. For gardening tips, details about school resources, the disposal of pesticides, home and garden pest control, see their website. 020 7837 1228The Children’s Food Campaign organised the ground-breaking Children’s Food Bill, which won the support of almost 300 Members of Parliament from all major parties, and raised the profile of the issue of children’s food. The Children’s Food Campaign wants:• Better food in schools• To protect children from junk food advertising• Every child to be taught about healthy food and cookery at school• Clear food labelling that everyone can understand, including childrenThey believe that these ideas will help to solve the current crisis in children’s diets. For more information, to find out about the campaign or register your support in the children’s diet crisis go the website.

HEALTH provides babies with the best start in life and all the nutrients they need for the first six months of their lives. Babies who are fed in this way are less likely to suffer a range of serious illnesses during infancy and childhood. However, according to a Department of Health survey, nine out of ten new mothers who stopped breastfeeding before their baby was six weeks old would have liked to have continued for longer. A Breastfeeding Manifesto has been produced which is supported by over thirty organisations including UNICEF UK, the Royal Colleges of Nursing and Midwives, Best Beginnings and the National Childbirth Trust. It sets out seven key objectives to improve infant feeding practice and to empower women to breastfeed for as long as they choose. UNICEF UK’s campaign to Protect Breastfeeding in the UK aims to:• Take action to stop the illegal promotion of babymilk. UNICEF believes parents have the right to receive accurate information on how best to feed their babies and infants. Read their report into the promotion of baby milk ‘A weak formula for legislation: how loopholes in the law are putting babies at risk’ to find out more about the marketing of baby milk substitutes and the law. • Support the Breastfeeding Manifesto to help ensure that women who want to breastfeed get the support and information they need.A copy of the Breastfeeding Manifesto and an invitation to support it has been sent to every MP. If your MP has not already signed up to the Manifesto, please ask them to do so. Take action on UNICEF UK’s website by emailing or posting their suggested text to your MP. Personalising the text by adding your own messages is a good idea as it often means your message will receive more attention.


Coca-Cola in India India has faced extreme water shortage, blamed on Coca-Cola extracting a great deal of water from several regions then dumping their waste into nearby rivers without care for their surrounding. In a country where over 70% of the population makes a living related to agriculture, poisoning both water and soil is a sure recipe for disaster. Thousands of farmers in India have been affected by Coca-Cola's practices, and Coca-Cola is guilty of destroying the livelihoods of thousands of people in India. The campaign aims to hold Coca-Cola accountable so that they can help solve the problem by shutting down their facilities, compensating the affected community, recharging and cleaning the depleted water supply, help the relocate their former employees and take full liability for any further consequences of their involvement in the area. Join the campaign mailing list or donate to help the cause. WaterAid’s mission is to overcome poverty by enabling the world’s poorest people to gain access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene education. These basic human rights underpin health, education and livelihoods and form the first, essential step in overcoming poverty. WaterAid work with local partners, who understand local issues, and provide them with the skills and support to help communities set up and manage practical and sustainable projects that meet their real needs. They also campaign locally and internationally to change policy and practice and ensure water and sanitation’s vital role in reducing poverty is recognised. WaterAid has loads of schemes to get you involved. You can take part in their campaign by helping lobby decision-makers for water and toilets for all or volunteer to take part in their nation-wide events. You can also play fantasy football for WaterAid or walk for them in their 'Coast Along for WaterAid' campaign. They’ve also set up an adopt a duck scheme so that you can race your rubber duck and have a chance to break the world record on September 2, World Duck day.

The Bottled Water San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom has banned bottled water for council employees, on the basis that it is expensive, polluting and has no benefits over tap water. The global consumption of bottled water reached 154 billion litres (41 billion gallons) in 2004, up 57 percent from the 98 billion litres consumed five years earlier with the number continuing to grow. Even in areas where tap water is safe to drink, demand for bottled water is increasing—producing unnecessary waste and consuming vast quantities of energy. Although in the industrial world bottled water is often no healthier than tap water, it can cost up to 10,000 times more. In contrast to tap water, which is distributed through an energy-efficient infrastructure, transporting bottled water long distances involves burning massive quantities of fossil fuels. Bottled water is not guaranteed to be any healthier than tap water. In fact, roughly 40 percent of bottled water begins as tap water; often the only difference is added minerals that have no marked health benefit. Earth Action wants you to make simple lifestyle choices to avoid drinking bottle water. The website gives you guidance in how to make these changes. Instead of buying bottled water drink tap water, using a refillable bottle. In order to have safe drinking water, you can get a good filter so that there should be no need for you to waste your money.


Very much a reality, nanotechnology, the electromechanical engineering of machines at the atomic level, has the potential to increase the power of weapons, genetic modification and corporate surveillance, all the while decreasing the scale on which changes are made, making it undetectable and potentially uncontrollable. And the effects of exposure are vastly undertested whilst it has been proved that such particles can be inhaled and may cross the blood/brain barrier. Already being manufactured in many products – cosmetics, clothing, explosive, bioweapons - one of biggest backers so far is the US Military. Anti-nanotechnology as a campaign separate from GMOs or military capitalism is in its nascence, however, it is well worthwhile to educate oneself about the potential next worsening step for almost every ecological, corporate and power conflict on the map. Look up poignant and often morbidly humorous nanotechnology warning label submissions to the ETC Group, an organization dedicated to responsible and equitable technological advance: the latest advances and voice your concern at the Foresight Institute:http://www.nanodot.orgKeep abreast of the latest nano-industry news; “behind the label”, to the power of -9:


The Change about social and environmental change is hard work. Sometimes it takes more than passion and commitment. In our work for change, it can make a real difference when we clarify our purpose, focus our energies and develop strategies to achieve real outcomes. The Change Agency is an independent learning initiative that works with community and activist groups to help them develop and implement plans to clarify purpose, focus energy and achieve social and environmental impact. For ten years, the Change Agency has developed, collected and shared tools to help activists and community organisers define and achieve their goals. We research social change to learn what works, and draw on action research to inform our facilitation and training. We've led workshops with thousands of people working for a just, sustainable and peaceful world in Australia and the Pacific. If you are interested in being more effective in your work, or inspired and informed by others who are working for change, let’s start a conversation.

Have we missed one? Email us, at
The Big AskThe climate is changing and time is running out. But while politicians talk, emissions keep on rising. .... more
Date: 16/08/2007
Plane Stupid protestors board Airbus bargeHaving been banned from the fields of Heathrow by a court injunction last week, protest group Plane Stupid have set up their own climate camp – under the.... more
Date: 13/08/2007
BAA on the runJohn Stewart, chairman of aviation pressure group HACAN ClearSkies, explains why BAA has been out-gunned and out-manoeuvred.... more
Date: 09/08/2007
Author:John Stewart
Camp for Climate ActionCome camp! says one of the organisers of the Heathrow Camp for Climate Action.... more
Date: 09/08/2007
Author:Camp for Climate Action
Camp for Climate Action 2007Having spent most of this week in court fighting injunctions, protestors on the Camp for Climate Action will be spending next week (Tuesday 14th to Sunday.... more
Date: 09/08/2007
BAA win limited injunctionThe High Court today rejected BAA’s call for a broad injunction against the Camp for Climate Action, instead granting a limited court order preventing.... more
Date: 06/08/2007
BAA injunction climb downBAA today backtracked on what had been described as “a massive and flabby injunction” against this summer’s Camp for Climate Action.... more
Date: 03/08/2007
Brown to be held to account by campaignersAs Gordon Brown prepares to take the helm of the Labour party, the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) has set him a series tests to judge whether.... more
Date: 26/06/2007
Waste not, want notWhat is waste? In the natural world, the answer is nothing. In human society, the answer is whatever happens to be classified as waste..... more
Date: 08/06/2007
The Great Global Warming Swindle: ResponseAnother of the reasons included in the Channel 4 documentary, ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle’, to explain the current interest in climate change was.... more
Date: 15/03/2007
Author:Paul Kingsnorth
Road rageUnnoticed by most of the media, New Labour has embarked on a roadbuilding scheme just as large as the one the Tories bragged was ‘the biggest since the.... more
Date: 01/03/2007
Author:Paul Kingsnorth
The Battle Against TescoThe battle of local communities against Tesco is much larger than first thought with over 80 local campaigns against the supermarket..... more
Date: 30/01/2007
Local Heroes: Sue Clifford & Angela KingThe UK’s most successful NGO is based in a Dorset village, with no members or PR team. Paul Kingsnorth meets the duo behind it….... more
Date: 01/12/2006
Author:Paul Kingsnorth
Date: 30/08/2006
Pesticide NunJonathan Leake meets Georgina Downs, the one-woman whirlwind who’s holding the pesticide industry and politicians to account .... more
Date: 01/04/2006
Author:Jonathan Leake
A Stake Through the Heart of the WorldScientists mapping the effects of deforestation in the Amazon are increasingly concerned that we are reaching a tipping point – when the forest will.... more
Date: 01/07/2005
Author: Peter Bunyard
BOYCOTT Coca-ColaBoycott Coca-Cola and make money for the victims of Coca-Cola. How much can we make? .... more
Date: 01/02/2005
Author:Max Keiser
HOW TO STOP SHOPPING IN SUPERMARKETSStop shopping at supermarkets. Support your farmers markets and local independent shops. Useful tips to help break the addiction..... more
Date: 01/09/2004
Author:The Ecologist
People PowerThe community of Machynlleth has gone beyond just investing in someone else’s wind turbine. They’ve clubbed together and planned, built and paid for one.... more
Date: 01/06/2004
Author:Jeremy Smith
How well connected are you?Answer our questionnaire and find out. ‘If we could think locally, we would take far better care of things than we do now. The right local questions and.... more
Date: 01/05/2004
Author:The Ecologist
Percy Schmeiser: the man that took on MonsantoFor 40 years Percy Schmeiser grew oilseed rape on his farm in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. Usually, he would sow each year’s crop with seeds.... more
Date: 01/05/2004
Author:Edward Goldsmith.
Keep Britain GM-freeThe Ecologist spells out the five overriding reasons why the commercialisation of GM crops should never be allowed in the UK.... more
Date: 01/07/2003
Author:The Ecologist
Help fashion go organicThe fashion industry listens to shoppers, even if governments don't. Use your power as a consumer to make safer, organic cotton more widely available: .... more
Author:Ecologist magazine
30 STEPS TO AN OIL FREE WORLD Our addiction to oil is not inevitable. We can all take steps to kick the habit: .... more
Introduce the Ecologist to your neighbourhood.... more


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